Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Move the Line....Further New Workshop at OKCMOA

Super excited to have the opportunity to offer a new workshop at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art in September! 

Move the Line....Further is a four day intensive workshop for established acrylic painters who have a desire to take their current work further. Often times, painters get a bit stuck in finding their way to move past predictable so this workshop will teach you thinking skills and action steps to help you break past that. 

 We will explore composition, contrast, distinct voice, complexity, and offer collaborative critique sessions so that the discussion of what makes work strong and impactful can be expanded. Artists can work in acrylic or mixed media, abstract or figurative, but must already have an established paint practice in place. 

Because I feel so passionately about distinct voice, I will be offering demos and instruction based around using tools differently, combined with unique ideas around subject matter, and how to execute those together on canvas or paper.

MTL...Further will also offer painters a time to discuss the business side of the industry with a look at marketing, goal setting, and professional reach. 

Come paint with me in Oklahoma City and move your work from a place of now to wow! 

Workshop Dates - September 25-28th, 2019
Where - Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Time - 9-4 pm each day
Supplies - Some supplies will be provided. A complete list is sent with registration. 

Space is Limited! Register Below or message me if you have questions. 

This course is full. To get on the waitlist, message me at info@ardithgoodwin.com 
To view my other workshops head to www.ardithgoodwin.com/workshops