Spinning Planets, one of my most favorites!
A lot has happened in the past few months for me and tomorrow is a BIG day. I start a new teaching position at Chastang Middle School teaching 6th grade Science. I thought long and hard about what position would be best for me when I came back to teaching and this spot seems the best fit. I hope to bring a creative, fresh approach to this grade level and hope to help change the lives of my students this year. Because of my disabilities this decision was huge for me and my family. I have the support of my husband who teaches fifth grade and my son, as well as the Vocational Rehab Center. I hope to prove that physical disabilities are not the life-ending death sentence so many people believe them to be. I know it will be challenging but I feel most worthwhile things in life are those that take sacrifice. I will keep you posted as to my progress, my student's accomplishments, and those new ventures in art that I take on this year. I ask that all my supporters keep me and my students in your prayers throughout this year because we will all need them. I also want to congratulate my best friend Holly Carrigan on a wonderful art show this past week during LoDa. Her acrylic works are great and I am really proud of her effort. Peace, Ardith