
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Beginners Mixed Media Art Class

My 6 week beginning mixed media class started this past week at The Art Center at Lavretta Park! I was so excited to launch this class because it is longer than most I teach which gives me lots and lots of time to share some of the coolest mixed media techniques available. This first class was one of introduction, sharing exactly what mixed media is, and then giving the students a chance to explore 8 different simple techniques of making textures with paint on paper. Once they 'played' around with the the studies, they cut out their test plates and constructed a booklet with their descriptions of each on the back which is a great way to remember how a particular technique works. Can't wait for week two!

Judy uses a 'hair color' tool to make swirled lines using a scratch out technique.

MarthaJane practices her sponge stamping technique.

Julane is laying a second color of acrylic glaze on top of her base layer.

Once dried, students cut out their test sheets, wrote a description on the back, and constructed this booklet. They can add to it as they learn new techniques.

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