
Monday, October 22, 2012

Mixed Media Acrylic Fruit Paintings

This weekend was a riot of a time as I painted through a few new mixed media techniques in miniature sizes, you can read about those fruit paintings HERE. In preps for a larger painting, I increased the paper size today to an 8" by 10" and painted in a series as well, but changed up a few ideas.

In these larger pieces, I used my rubber dotted stamps for added texture, continued scratching out within the wet acrylic paint, and added quite a few finger painting marks. The same blue tape bled, because I had taped off the paper all at one time, but it isn't the end of the world because I think these pieces stand alone.

I have 5 more gessoed papers taped and ready to go, so when I finish the last five, I will feel confident about going forward with my really large piece that I have been prepping for. Working in this small format, several at a time, has been a great learning experience for me as to what colors blend well, contrast well, and which textures I love or hate.

Lemon and Orange, Acrylic on Paper 8" by 10" $60

Green and Purple Plum, Acrylic on Paper, $60, 8" by 10"

Turquoise Pears, Acrylic on Paper, 8" by 10"

Golden Pear, Acrylic on Paper, $60 8" by 10"

Plum Pumpkin, Acrylic on Paper, 8" by 10", $60

On a note of blessing:
As a creative, being surrounded by a welcoming atmosphere and people who are supportive is a total blessing to me. My friends at the Lavretta Art Center have welcomed me with open arms and when I walk in that door I just feel a sense of 'being home.' So, for today, I am marking the day with much gratitude because I do know, like I am breathing, that I live a life I don't deserve.

Red Tomato $60

A Pair of Pears, $60

Two Peaches, $60

Apple and Lemon, $60

Eggplant, $60

This evening, as I type this, the sun is setting and bending its evening light through the window panes. I spent so many days laid up in the bed, watching the same light dance through the window when I was recovering, but today this light just seems extra comforting. Glad to know I exist at a time where beauty surrounds me despite any circumstance that gives me pause. Sending lots of ((((((creative love)))))) out to you, and you, and yes, YOU! 

"Meyer Lemon and Peach" Full Sheet Acrylic on paper


  1. I love these bright colors and loose brushstrokes, Ardith...just beautiful! ♥

  2. The colors are very bright and vivid. I especially love the line markings in the background. Very beautiful and creative work.
