
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Art Journal Book Love

Today was one of  "those" days. You know the ones, that start out from the gun with angst, frustration, tears, and all things in between. I have come to know these as my "Those Days" and keep a journal about them because pretty much, I need a reminder. I need a reminder that even though life will have days like this, there is a lesson to be learned from them, and it usually reveals itself to me after the tears have stopped, the blood pressure has chilled, and I have time to breathe, reflect, and journal about it. But, in the meantime while I am waiting for all that chilling to take place, I figure stopping by the local bookstore for some artistic retail therapy is just about one of the best ways ever to let go of that angst for a bit, and reconnect with my artistic spirit.

We all have one I believe, an artistic spirit. For some it is what grounds them to nature, the planet, to themselves, or to the universe. For me, my artistic spirit is what connects me to my faith, and I am ever so grateful for that. Coping mechanisms come in all shapes and sizes but over time, I have pretty much learned that when my spirit is wounded, if I take the time to breathe, surround myself with beauty, art, and have a conversation with the big guy up stairs for a bit, I can make it through any "Those Days" that life throws at me, but I can't imagine trying to do that without the artistic connection.

(That would be 'Where Women Create' by Stampington on the table)

While at the bookstore, I managed to come across a book I have been hunting, after reading about it on Liesel Lund's blog, Adventures in Pretty, You're Beautiful. She showcased "Creative Wildfire" by L.K. Ludwig, which is a yummy book that shares an introduction to art journaling from the basics to the advanced methods. It has been on my list of "Must Books" for a while now and today just seemed like the timing was right. As soon as I came home I sat down with the Two O'clock Birds outside and began to slowly devour the bits and morsels of art journaling techniques that this book offers. It was good for my soul and my spirit.

One tip from the book answered the question I have been longing to figure out, how do you use acrylic paint in a journal without having the pages stick to one another? If you have that same this book, it was like.....score, finally, a solution!

There is a lot going on me with me in my art world these days: Working on Restructuring My Website, Getting Prepared for Artwalk, Identifying My Artistic Goals For The Summer, and it looks like shoulder surgery in a couple of weeks, and did I mention my Parents 50th Wedding Anniversary Party?  Lots of high living going on, despite the pain, despite the chaos, even despite having one of "Those Days." I wouldn't dream of anything less than a juicy life!

I would love to know what creative juiciness you are up to these days...share...share...share!


  1. Dearest Ardith, I am so sorry to hear that you're having another surgery. I want to come and see you in hospital or home. Just let me know when!
    In answer to your question about creative plans, etc. I am working on notan as a start on the design of a huge acrylic painting. My mother is moving in with me in a few weeks, so I will need to make studio time a scheduled part of my day, finally. This should force me to be more organized with my time. That and three paintings in the works are my summer art plans. Thanks for sharing you pain and joy with the world. You rock, girl! I might start another blog about living with mom. You've inspired once again. xo

  2. Jami, sounds like you will be swimming in creativity and changes over the next few weeks/months! I can only imagine this time with your mom will give you something to treasure when you look back on it. I look forward to the blog if you decide to share it, what an inspirational story that would be.
